Justin Urbach
Fractal Breeze WIP T1_004, 2023
Silicon wafer with laser engraving
ø 30 cm
ø 11 3/4 inches
ø 11 3/4 inches
Edition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Marjorie Brunet Plaza
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Die Werkserie „Fractal Breeze WIP“ besteht aus runden Silizium-Wafern, in deren spiegelnder Oberfläche verschiedene Motive mittels Laser eingraviert sind. Wafer sind Elemente der Halbleiterindustrie, die aus Quarzsand hergestellt werden und...
Die Werkserie „Fractal Breeze WIP“ besteht aus runden Silizium-Wafern, in deren spiegelnder Oberfläche verschiedene Motive mittels Laser eingraviert sind. Wafer sind Elemente der Halbleiterindustrie, die aus Quarzsand hergestellt werden und die Grundlage für Chips in Computern, sowie Smartphones bilden. Urbach versieht diese mit Fragmenten medizinischer Daten von MRT-Scans und ATP-Messungen, mit denen sich mikrobiologische Strukturen untersuchen lassen. Der Künstler sieht in den Wafern, wie auch in menschlichen Körpern das Potenzial der Energiespeicherung sowie -übertragung und zieht Parallelen. In ähnlicher Weise wie die Wafer, zeigen menschliche Zellen die Fähigkeit zur Speicherung von Energie und Information durch ATP (Adenosintriphosphat), einem Molekül, das als Hauptenergiespeicher von Zellen gilt. Die abgebildeten Daten sind im Zusammenhang Urbachs Videoarbeit „Fractal Breeze“ entstanden, einem Science-Fiction Narrativ, in dem die Darsteller:innen physische und virtuelle Realitäten verbinden. In diesem Prozess generieren sie in rituellen Handlungen verschiedene Körperdaten, die Urbach auf die Wafer übertragt. „Fractal Breeze WIP“ vereint die multidimensionale Auseinandersetzung des Künstlers mit digitalen Technologien, komplexen biochemischen Prozessen und der Speicherung von Energie aus fossilen Rohstoffen, die essenziell für technologische Entwicklungen sind.
"Fractal Breeze WIP" is a series of works made of round silicon wafers with various motifs laser-engraved into their reflective surface. Wafers are elements of the semiconductor industry that are produced from quartz sand and form the basis for chips in computers and smartphones. Urbach inscribes them with fragments of medical data from MRT scans and ATP measurements, which can be used to examine microbiological structures. In both the wafers as well as the human body, the artist sees the potential for energy storage and transmission. In a similar way to the wafers, human cells show the ability to store energy and information through ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule that is considered the main energy store of cells. The data shown on the wafers was collected in connection with Urbach's video work "Fractal Breeze", a science fiction narrative in which two protagonists combine physical and virtual realities. In this process, they generate various body data in ritual actions, which Urbach transfers to the wafers. "Fractal Breeze WIP" combines the artist's multidimensional exploration of digital technologies, complex biochemical processes and the storage of energy from fossil raw materials, which are essential for technological developments.
"Fractal Breeze WIP" is a series of works made of round silicon wafers with various motifs laser-engraved into their reflective surface. Wafers are elements of the semiconductor industry that are produced from quartz sand and form the basis for chips in computers and smartphones. Urbach inscribes them with fragments of medical data from MRT scans and ATP measurements, which can be used to examine microbiological structures. In both the wafers as well as the human body, the artist sees the potential for energy storage and transmission. In a similar way to the wafers, human cells show the ability to store energy and information through ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a molecule that is considered the main energy store of cells. The data shown on the wafers was collected in connection with Urbach's video work "Fractal Breeze", a science fiction narrative in which two protagonists combine physical and virtual realities. In this process, they generate various body data in ritual actions, which Urbach transfers to the wafers. "Fractal Breeze WIP" combines the artist's multidimensional exploration of digital technologies, complex biochemical processes and the storage of energy from fossil raw materials, which are essential for technological developments.