exhibition | munich, de

justin urbach shows new works in the collaborative exhibition no mind no matter at kunstarkaden munich

The exhibition NO MIND NO MATTER explores the tension between visibility and invisibility, revealing what eludes our naked eye. Featuring works by Justin Urbach, Tatjana Vall and Johannes Kiel the exhibition embodies Donna J. Haraway’s concept of “sympoiesis,” co-producing dynamic artworks that intertwine the perceiving subject with responsive feedback loops. The relationships between the artworks become visible through visitor interaction, contrasting with the hidden mechanisms behind them. The subject-object relationship constantly shifts and is renegotiated through visitor engagement. Urbach, Vall and Kiel re-articulate the politics of the (in)visible by merging contemporary visualization with materiality.


Justin Urbach


26 June - 27 July 2024

Kunstarkaden, Munich



25 June 2024, 7 pm


Artist talk with nicemodules

10 July 2024, 6.30 pm


Closing Reception

27 July 2024, 6 pm


The artist are present on 12, 19 and 20 July from 4 – 7 pm.

25 June 2024