exhibition | zurich, ch

haroon mirza's wall works from the series light works in a group exhibition at haus konstruktiv

The exhibition Stories Written: Zurich Art Prize Winners 2007–2023 celebrates the longstanding partnership between the Museum Haus Konstruktiv and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. The group show presents selected works by previous winners of the prestigious art prize.

Haroon Mirza is represented with two wall works from the series Light Works (2012–2023). These are drawings made from red, blue, and green LED strips, whose electromagnetic waves combine in the space to form white light. The length of the strips is derived from their respective luminosity and the ratio of the intensity of the RGB colors to each other. The drawings in blue, red, and green have a size ratio of 1:3:6. Cables and copper bands connect the individual strips, creating a closed circuit in a deliberately reduced formal language. Drawing on works from the Minimal Art of the 1960s, such as Fred Sandback's string sculptures and Dan Flavin's light works, Mirza investigates the presence of light and its interaction with space through his systematic line drawings using electricity and the RGB color system.


Haroon Mirza

Stories Written: Zurich Art Prize Winners 2007–2023

May 30 – September 8, 2024

Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich


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11 June 2024