exhibition | gennevilliers, fr

natacha donzé is part of the group exhibition "j'ai pleuré devant la fin d'un manga", which deals thematically with manga

Natacha Donzé presents new works in the two-part group exhibition J'ai pleuré devant la fin d'un manga (I cried before the end of a manga) at the Édouard-Manet Gallery of the École municipale des Beaux-Arts in Gennevilliers, near Paris.


In a hyper-connected, saturated and deafening modern world, manga culture - drawn, animated, electronized - has transcended Japan's borders and established itself as a new gateway to understanding the world for millions of people. Entire generations have learned to tame Pokémon, project their empathy and appreciation for Kawaii onto digital pixel creatures, and cosplay new mythological figures with quasi-divine powers.


This new cultural grammar has integrated our habitus, our sense of community and the interstices of our imagination, fundamentally altering our aesthetic notions. Reduced in its beginnings by its critics to gore-like brutality, exaggerated sexuality and vile imaginaries, manga culture has evolved into a fertile matrix, a space for empathy, projection and self-construction.


Natacha Donzé

J'ai pleuré devant la fin d'un manga

Édouard-Manet Gallery, École municipale des Beaux-Arts, Gennevilliers

January 18 - March 16, 2024


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→ review by zerodeux magazine

13 January 2024