KEY | lou jaworski

13 February - 17 April 2025 Munich

For his third solo exhibition at the gallery, Lou Jaworski (*1981 in Warsaw, PL) creates a model-like space that reflects on the openness and transformative power of material. In KEY, marble wall pieces with geometric inscriptions transform into digitally abstracted landscapes, while sculptural fragments of branches and trees cast in aluminum become snapshots of possibilities.


Jaworski draws on the ancient concept of Hyle: originating in Greek philosophy, Hyle refers to fundamental matter – the foundation for everything malleable. His works embody a state that exists both as a completed object and as a starting point for new forms and ideas. KEY – a reference to the K in the CMYK color spectrum – presents a world in which the malleability of material remains ongoing, with the artworks understood as reservoirs of potential. Jaworski’s pieces evoke 3D renderings that already hint at their next stage of transformation.


In his latest series, wood is transferred into aluminum – once marked by growth and time, the material becomes a carrier of potential and a repository of memory. His sculptures appear as scalable entities, perpetually open to reinterpretation. In this state of potentiality, or what might appear unfinished, Jaworski underscores the fundamental openness of matter and its capacity for constant redefinition.

This sense of fluidity is extended into new marble inlay works, following his STRATOS series (2022–2023), where millennia-old grain patterns meet precise geometric forms. By cutting and embedding the inlays, symbolic images emerge, revealed solely through the displacement of material. Jaworski opens a perspective on material as a memory storage: the striations of Striato Olimpico marble recount geological processes shaped by water, pressure, and time, while the embedded geometries create new meanings – a wheel as a symbol of movement and technology, a circle as an image of the cosmic and transformation.


Opening | Munich

Thursday 13 February

6 – 9 pm


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