
The exhibition symbiotic beings with Natacha Donzé, Rindon Johnson, Haroon Mirza and Justin Urbach explores a complex harmony of organic and human-made systems. In their works, biological, botanical or celestial structures merge with synthetic and industrial elements and materials. These connections illustrate that even seemingly contradictory elements can be in a mutually beneficial relationship. At the same time, the group exhibition explores the question of whether and how technology and nature can coexist, presenting symbiotic processes and transformative potentials in the works of four artists who work on the threshold between biological and social structures, the physical and the fictional, the analog and the digital.


In Natacha Donzé's (*1991 in Boudevilliers, CH) large-format canvases, micro-organic structures and indications of 3D-printed objects take on an ambivalent dynamic of protection and danger, while Rindon Johnson's (*1990 in the unceded territories of the Ohlone) wall works made of cowhide reflect on the relationship between animals and humans and their socio-economic interdependencies. In addition to a triptych of solar panels by Haroon Mirza (*1977 in London, UK), which suggests auroral landscapes and interstellar spaces, his series of Electro Etchings will be presented, in which he uses electricity as a medium to transfer organic structures onto copper circuit boards. In his new, relief-like wall works, Justin Urbach (*1995 in Munich, DE) combines analog and digital photographic techniques that question fiction and representation and bring together seemingly contradictory materialities.


Opening | Munich
Wednesday 13 March
6 – 9 pm

Closing reception

& healthy symbiotic shots MAGIC120 with 120 ingredients
Saturday 4 May
2 – 6 pm

Various Others Spring Edition

3 – 5 May


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