Haroon Mirza & Jack Jelfs
The Wave Epoch (Shamanic DMT Ritual @CERN causes Demonic Portal to open creating novel coronavirus UFO), 2022
Three channel video installation, circle of eight speakers, octagonal carpet, wave chandelier
Dimensions variable
Copyright the artists
Photo: Photo: Milena Wojhan
Further images
The Wave Epoch ist ein multimedialer Werkzyklus bestehend aus Video, Musik und Performance, der im Rahmen einer Artist Residency von Haroon Mirza und Jack Jelfs 2018 in der Europäischen Organisation...
The Wave Epoch ist ein multimedialer Werkzyklus bestehend aus Video, Musik und Performance, der im Rahmen einer Artist Residency von Haroon Mirza und Jack Jelfs 2018 in der Europäischen Organisation für Kernforschung CERN entstanden ist. Während die Wissenschaftler am CERN durch Teilchenbeschleunigung die Geheimnisse des Universums erforschen und Fragen nach den Grundstrukturen der Natur nachgehen, untersuchen die Künstler in The Wave Epoch die Grundmuster der Menschheit: in diesem Fall unser innewohnendes Verlangen nach Versammlung, Ritualen, Musik, Performance und Kultur. Die Kernfrage des Werkzyklus, der Archivmaterial, Artefakte und elektronische Komponenten vorangegangener Experimente des CERN einschließt, ist folgende: Wenn der Large Hadron Collider (Teilchenbeschleuniger) ein paar tausend Jahre in der Zukunft ausgegraben würde und wenn sein ursprünglicher Zweck in Vergessenheit geraten wäre, wie würden die Menschen ihn dann interpretieren? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, arbeiteten Mirza und Jelfs mit zwei weiteren Künstlern zusammen: dem Elektronik-Musiker GAIKA und dem Grime DJ und Musikproduzenten Elijah. The Wave Epoch präsentiert ein fiktives Szenario in der Zukunft und erforscht dabei, wie sich unsere Wahrnehmung von zweckmäßig gebauten Orten im Laufe der Zeit verändert, welche ritualistische Tendenzen die Menschheit zeigt und hinterfragt, wie diese neu interpretiert werden können.
The Wave Epoch is a multimedia work cycle consisting of video, music and performance, which was created during the artist residency of Haroon Mirza and Jack Jelfs in 2018 at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. While scientists at CERN use particle acceleration to explore the mysteries of the universe and questions about the basic structures of nature, in The Wave Epoch the artists examine the basic patterns of humanity: in this case our inherent desires for congregation, rituals, music, performance and culture. The core question of the cycle of works, which includes archival material, artifacts and electronic components from previous experiments at CERN, is as following: if the Large Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) were unearthed a few thousand years in the future and if its original purpose had been forgotten, how would people archaeologically interpret it? To answer this question, Mirza and Jelfs collaborated with two other artists: electronic musician GAIKA and grime DJ and music producer Elijah. Presenting a fictional scenario in the abstract future, The Wave Epoch explores how our perception of functional architecture can change over time, revealing the ritualistic tendencies humanity exhibits and how these can be reinterpreted.
The Wave Epoch is a multimedia work cycle consisting of video, music and performance, which was created during the artist residency of Haroon Mirza and Jack Jelfs in 2018 at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. While scientists at CERN use particle acceleration to explore the mysteries of the universe and questions about the basic structures of nature, in The Wave Epoch the artists examine the basic patterns of humanity: in this case our inherent desires for congregation, rituals, music, performance and culture. The core question of the cycle of works, which includes archival material, artifacts and electronic components from previous experiments at CERN, is as following: if the Large Hadron Collider (particle accelerator) were unearthed a few thousand years in the future and if its original purpose had been forgotten, how would people archaeologically interpret it? To answer this question, Mirza and Jelfs collaborated with two other artists: electronic musician GAIKA and grime DJ and music producer Elijah. Presenting a fictional scenario in the abstract future, The Wave Epoch explores how our perception of functional architecture can change over time, revealing the ritualistic tendencies humanity exhibits and how these can be reinterpreted.