Niko Abramidis &NE
Cryptic Machine Prototype A, 2018
Steel, pinpad, LED tubes, LCD screen and HD video loop (33'')
125 x 231 x 11 cm
49 1/4 x 91 x 4 3/8 inches
49 1/4 x 91 x 4 3/8 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
Further images
Die Wandskulptur Cryptic Machine Prototype A (2018) des Künstlers Niko Abramidis &NE spiegelt seine stete Beschäftigung und Auseinandersetzung mit ökonomischen Strukturen wider. Die Arbeit ist von den massiven Stahlplatten inspiriert,...
Die Wandskulptur Cryptic Machine Prototype A (2018) des Künstlers Niko Abramidis &NE spiegelt seine stete Beschäftigung und Auseinandersetzung mit ökonomischen Strukturen wider. Die Arbeit ist von den massiven Stahlplatten inspiriert, die New Yorker Bauarbeiter zum schnellen Ausbessern der Straßenschäden in der Metropole verwenden. Chemische Prozesse haben die Oberfläche so verändert, dass eine kartografische Struktur erkennbar ist. Die warmgewalzte Stahloberfläche, aus der durch akurat geschnittene Öffnungen blaues Licht hervordringt, sowie ein eingelassenes Pinpad und ein Bildschirm geben Hinweise auf die Funktion als Geldautomat, in dem vergangene und zukünftige Zeit verschmelzen: Die düstere „Maschine” scheint aus einer apokalyptischen Zukunft zu kommen, in der die einstige Funktionalität verschwunden oder zumindest nicht mehr verständlich ist. Zeichen wie Ω und ∑ über den schmalen Öffnungen könnten auf die ursprüngliche Verwendung hinweisen. Der über dem Pinpad liegende Bildschirm zeigt einen Imagefilm einer längst insolventen Bank. Die eingravierten Initialen NE stehen, wie ein Firmenlogo, darüber und sind gleichzeitig die Signatur des Künstlers.
Cryptic Machine Prototype A war 2019 als Teil der Ausstellung „ars viva. MYST ECON“ im Kai 10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf zu sehen. Abramidis &NE präsentierte dort eine raumgreifende, multimediale Installation, die Eigenschaften von internationalen Großraumbüros trug.
The wall sculpture Cryptic Machine Prototype A (2018) by the Munich artist Niko Abramidis &NE reflects his constant preoccupation with economic structures. The work is inspired by massive steel plates that New York construction workers use to quickly repair the metropolis' road damage. The hot-rolled steel surface, out of which which blue light emerges through meticulously cut openings, as well as an embedded pinpad and a screen, provide clues to its function as an ATM in which past and future time merge: the gloomy "machine" seems to come from an apocalyptic future in which the former functionality has disappeared and is no longer comprehensible. Carved emblems, such as Ω and ∑ above the slits give possible clues as to its purpose: the pinpad could activate the machine and the screen above it could show an image film of a long since insolvent bank. The engraved initials NE stand above it like a company logo and are at the same time the signature of the artist.
Cryptic Machine Prototype A was part of the exhibition “ars viva. MYST ECON“ im Kai 10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf in 2019. Abramidis &NE presented an installation reminiscent of office spaces in which the artist creates fictitious corporate identities and appropriates forms of expression from the financial economy. In a language game of signs, symbols and ciphers, he creates parallel universes in his art that draw a picture of our present.
Cryptic Machine Prototype A war 2019 als Teil der Ausstellung „ars viva. MYST ECON“ im Kai 10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf zu sehen. Abramidis &NE präsentierte dort eine raumgreifende, multimediale Installation, die Eigenschaften von internationalen Großraumbüros trug.
The wall sculpture Cryptic Machine Prototype A (2018) by the Munich artist Niko Abramidis &NE reflects his constant preoccupation with economic structures. The work is inspired by massive steel plates that New York construction workers use to quickly repair the metropolis' road damage. The hot-rolled steel surface, out of which which blue light emerges through meticulously cut openings, as well as an embedded pinpad and a screen, provide clues to its function as an ATM in which past and future time merge: the gloomy "machine" seems to come from an apocalyptic future in which the former functionality has disappeared and is no longer comprehensible. Carved emblems, such as Ω and ∑ above the slits give possible clues as to its purpose: the pinpad could activate the machine and the screen above it could show an image film of a long since insolvent bank. The engraved initials NE stand above it like a company logo and are at the same time the signature of the artist.
Cryptic Machine Prototype A was part of the exhibition “ars viva. MYST ECON“ im Kai 10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf in 2019. Abramidis &NE presented an installation reminiscent of office spaces in which the artist creates fictitious corporate identities and appropriates forms of expression from the financial economy. In a language game of signs, symbols and ciphers, he creates parallel universes in his art that draw a picture of our present.
2019 "MYST ECON", Ars Viva 2019, Kai 10 Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf, DE1