Rosemarie Castoro
Two Blues Band, 1965
Acrylic on paper
12,7 x 50,8 cm
5 x 20 inches
6,35 x 44,45 cm
2,5 x 17,5 inches
29,21 x 66,36 x 3,18 cm
11,5 x 26,13 x 1,25 inches
12,7 x 50,8 cm
5 x 20 inches
6,35 x 44,45 cm
2,5 x 17,5 inches
29,21 x 66,36 x 3,18 cm
11,5 x 26,13 x 1,25 inches
Signed verso bottom right "1965 R Castoro"
Copyright The Artist | Courtesy Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London • Paris • Salzburg
Photo: Dirk Tacke
Further images
Rosemaries Castoros Zeichnung Two Blues Band (1965) gehört zu ihren minimalistischen Interference Gemälde und Zeichnungen, die sie Mitte der Sechziger Jahre schuf und in welchen Sie einen Bezug zwischen sich...
Rosemaries Castoros Zeichnung Two Blues Band (1965) gehört zu ihren minimalistischen Interference Gemälde und Zeichnungen, die sie Mitte der Sechziger Jahre schuf und in welchen Sie einen Bezug zwischen sich wiederholenden geometrischen Formen, Farbe und ihrer choreographischen Ausbildung und Aktivitäten herstellt. Castoro experimentierte nach ihrem Studium am Pratt Insitute, New York mit verschiedenen Ausdrucksformen und Medien - von Zeichnung, Malerei und Installationen hin zu Choreografie und modernem Tanz. Die rechteckigen blauen Formen in Two Blues Band verbinden ihre Interessen und können als Tanzschritte gelesen werden, welche sich in einem regelmäßigen Rhythmus von links nach rechts über das Blatt ausbreiten. Dabei zeigen sich Ähnlichkeiten zu Tanzstücken von Castoro und Yvonne Rainer – die als Gründerin des postmodernen Tanzes gilt – in welchen rechteckige Balken als Requisiten verwendet und auf der Bühne verschoben wurden. Der Titel Two Blues Band ist wörtlich und beschreibend zu verstehen und steht so in der Tradition des Minimalismus, welcher durch den Kunsthistoriker und Kunstkritiker Michael Fried auch als „Literalism“ bezeichnet wurde.
Rosemarie Castoro's drawing Two Blues Band (1965) is one of her minimalist Interference paintings and drawings, created in the mid-sixties and in which she establishes a relationship between repetitive geometric forms, color, and her choreographic training and activities. After her studies at the Pratt Institute in New York, Castoro began experimenting with various forms of expression and media - from drawing, painting and installations to choreography and modern dance. The rectangular blue forms in Two Blues Band combine her various interests and can be interpreted as dance steps that spread out in a regular rhythm from left to right across the sheet. There are similarities to dance pieces by Castoro and Yvonne Rainer - who is considered the founder of postmodern dance - in which rectangular bars were used as props and moved on stage. The title Two Blues Band is to be understood literally as well as descriptively and thus stands in the tradition of minimalism, which was also called "literalism" by the art historian and art critic Michael Fried.
Rosemarie Castoro's drawing Two Blues Band (1965) is one of her minimalist Interference paintings and drawings, created in the mid-sixties and in which she establishes a relationship between repetitive geometric forms, color, and her choreographic training and activities. After her studies at the Pratt Institute in New York, Castoro began experimenting with various forms of expression and media - from drawing, painting and installations to choreography and modern dance. The rectangular blue forms in Two Blues Band combine her various interests and can be interpreted as dance steps that spread out in a regular rhythm from left to right across the sheet. There are similarities to dance pieces by Castoro and Yvonne Rainer - who is considered the founder of postmodern dance - in which rectangular bars were used as props and moved on stage. The title Two Blues Band is to be understood literally as well as descriptively and thus stands in the tradition of minimalism, which was also called "literalism" by the art historian and art critic Michael Fried.