Neïl Beloufa
Bottles and Cans on Red, 2019
MDF, synthetic leather, COR-TEN steel, electric outlet, plug and switch
160 x 130 x 25.5 cm
63 x 51 1/8 x 10 1/8 inches
63 x 51 1/8 x 10 1/8 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
Further images
Neïl Beloufas reliefartige Wandarbeit Bottles and Cans on Red, 2019 ist wie alle Werke der Vintage-Serie ein komplexes Zusammenspiel unterschiedlicher Formen und Materialien. Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Bottles and...
Neïl Beloufas reliefartige Wandarbeit Bottles and Cans on Red, 2019 ist wie alle Werke der Vintage-Serie ein komplexes Zusammenspiel unterschiedlicher Formen und Materialien. Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Bottles and Cans on Red wie ein industrielles Relikt. Ein Kabel, mehrere Steckdosen und zwei verschieden große Gitterstrukturen, die an Verschlussklappen von Lüftungsschächten erinnern. Erst auf den zweiten Blick werden – wie der Titel bereits verrät – die Umrisse von Flaschen und Dosen unter dem organisch anmutenden Leder sowie auf dem vorwiegend rot eingefärbten MDF sichtbar. Die teilweise zerdrückten Dosen und Flaschen sind Zeugnisse der Anwesenheit von Personen und des Konsumverhaltens in einer globalisierten Welt. Nicht nur der Konsum von Waren, auch der mediale Konsum wird hier sichtbar. Charakteristisch für die Arbeiten der Vintage-Serie sind die unübersehbaren technischen Bestandteile. Insgesamt drei Steckdosen, die in Stahl und MDF eingelassen wurden, ermöglichen dem Betrachter den Zugang zu Elektrizität und stellen somit die Verbindung zu Medien und Dauerverfügbarkeit im digitalen Zeitalter sicher. So vielschichtig und paradox dies erscheint, dient Beloufas Kunst nicht nur im übertragenen Sinne der Vernetzung, sondern konkret als Einladung, mobile Geräte aktiv an den Stromkreis anzuschließen. Beloufa, der in seinen Arbeiten oft Materialien und Techniken einsetzt, die sichtbare technologische Komponenten beinhalten, stellt auch hier die technischen Aspekte dem auffälligen Materialmix aus Holz, Leder und Metall gegenüber. Die Kombination aus Elektrizität, der grob bearbeiteten Holzoberfläche und dem weichen, geschwungen Leder, erzeugt im wahrsten Sinne ein spannungsgeladenes Relief.
Neïl Beloufa's relief-like wall piece Bottles and Cans on Red (2019) from his Vintage series is a complex interplay of diverse forms and materials. At first glance, the large-scale work looks like an industrial relic including a cable, several sockets and two different-sized grid structures reminiscent of ventilation shafts. Upon second glance and as the title suggests, the outlines of bottles and cans become visible under the organic-looking leather as well as on the predominantly red-colored MDF.
The bottles and cans are testimonies to the presence of people and our consumer behavior in a globalized world. Not only the consumption of goods, but also media consumption becomes visible here. Characteristic features of the Vintage series are several technical components. A total of three sockets, which were embedded in steel and MDF, give the viewer access to electricity and thus ensure the connection to media and permanent availability in the digital age.
As multi-layered and paradoxical as this may seem, Beloufa's art serves not only in the figurative sense of networking, but concretely as an invitation to actively connect mobile devices to the electric circuit. Beloufa, who often uses materials and techniques in his works that contain visible technological components, he juxtaposes the technical aspects with the conspicuous material mix of wood, leather and metal. The combination of electricity, paired with the roughly worked wooden surface and the soft, curved leather, creates a dramatic composition that culminates in the clash of these contrasting materials and, together with the relief-like structure of the boxes, creates a relief that is literally full of tension.
Neïl Beloufa's relief-like wall piece Bottles and Cans on Red (2019) from his Vintage series is a complex interplay of diverse forms and materials. At first glance, the large-scale work looks like an industrial relic including a cable, several sockets and two different-sized grid structures reminiscent of ventilation shafts. Upon second glance and as the title suggests, the outlines of bottles and cans become visible under the organic-looking leather as well as on the predominantly red-colored MDF.
The bottles and cans are testimonies to the presence of people and our consumer behavior in a globalized world. Not only the consumption of goods, but also media consumption becomes visible here. Characteristic features of the Vintage series are several technical components. A total of three sockets, which were embedded in steel and MDF, give the viewer access to electricity and thus ensure the connection to media and permanent availability in the digital age.
As multi-layered and paradoxical as this may seem, Beloufa's art serves not only in the figurative sense of networking, but concretely as an invitation to actively connect mobile devices to the electric circuit. Beloufa, who often uses materials and techniques in his works that contain visible technological components, he juxtaposes the technical aspects with the conspicuous material mix of wood, leather and metal. The combination of electricity, paired with the roughly worked wooden surface and the soft, curved leather, creates a dramatic composition that culminates in the clash of these contrasting materials and, together with the relief-like structure of the boxes, creates a relief that is literally full of tension.