Rosanna Marie Pondorf


Rosanna Marie Pondorf (*1993 in Eching) explores hierarchies and power structures of the present in her sculptures and paintings by deconstructing and re-coding money, media images, and pornography. Sculptures are pressed from devalued euro banknotes or paper is crafted. She translates screenshots of media reports and Google searches into marble and combines them with server racks to materialize the complex interconnections of our time and make two-dimensional information haptically tangible. Elements of value creation, such as the circulation of money and the power of media images, as well as the hardware and structure behind our digital everyday life, are combined with traditional craftsmanship techniques or culturally significant materials. With a reduced formal language, she creates enigmatic images that raise awareness of socio-economic processes, with the body, as an expression of power structures, omnipresent, for example, through the incorporation of BDSM objects and engagement with pornographic content and pop-cultural phenomena. Pondorf sees her artistic work as a reflection of societal processes, aiming to understand and make visible the complexity and ambivalence of modern life for others.


In 2024, Rosanna Marie Pondorf was awarded the Debutante Prize as part of her diploma thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich, as well as the PERSPEKTIVEN sponsorship prize from Kunstclub 13‘s PLATFORM in the same year. In 2022, Pondorf was appointed as a master student by Prof. Peter Kogler and won the Berlin Hyp Award at the Positions Art Fair. Her works are housed in the ERES Foundation in Munich, as well as in the Foundation for Politics & Science in Berlin and several private collections.


→ CV Rosanna Marie Pondorf
