Sébastien de Ganay
Warning Stripes Chair 3, 2020
Wood and c-print
75 x 51 x 68 cm
29 1/2 x 20 1/8 x 26 3/4 inches
29 1/2 x 20 1/8 x 26 3/4 inches
Edition of 20
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Simon Veres | Dirk Tacke
Sébastien de Ganay nutzt in seiner Serie „Warning Stripes Chair“ (2020) schwarz-gelbe Markierungen, die in der Industrie als Hinweis auf mögliche Gefahren verwendet werden und bedient sich deren Symbolik, um...
Sébastien de Ganay nutzt in seiner Serie „Warning Stripes Chair“ (2020) schwarz-gelbe Markierungen, die in der Industrie als Hinweis auf mögliche Gefahren verwendet werden und bedient sich deren Symbolik, um auf gesellschaftliche Missstände aufmerksam zu machen. De Ganay weist darauf hin, dass wir in ein Zeitalter diffuser, potenzieller und realer Gefahren eingetreten sind, die für viele oft sehr schwer zu erkennen sind. „Warning Stripes Chair“ ist ein modulares System, um Kommunikation über soziale Themen zu ermöglichen. Ursprünglich 2015 als „4 Piece Chair“ entworfen, begann de Ganay eine Serie von Stühlen mit der Idee ein Objekt zu entwickeln, dass vor Ort leicht hergestellt werden kann. Aus vier Stücken ohne Nägel oder Kleber zusammensteckbar lässt sich das Holz auf jeder lokalen CNC-Maschine schneiden und dadurch die CO2-Bilanz der Herstellung so gering wie möglich halten. De Ganay sieht seine Verantwortung als Künstler ebenfalls in der Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit für Themen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, des sozialen Fortschritts, der Stärkung der Menschenrechte und demokratischen Werte. Er entwickelte zahlreiche Motive für den „4 Piece Chair", um auf unterschiedliche global relevante Themen hinzuweisen. „[…] Darüber hinaus erinnern diese Skulpturen an die Rolle des Künstlers, der über sein Schaffen hinaus an allen Orten und zu allen Zeiten diejenigen unterstützen und verteidigen sollte, die ihrer Freiheiten beraubt sind.“ „Warning Stripes Chairs“ fordern zum aktiven Denken und Hinterfragen auf, wobei die Warnstreifen, neben der warnenden Funktion, ein gestalterisches Element sind, dass bei jedem Stuhl variiert.
In his “Warning Stripes Chair” (2020) series, Sébastien de Ganay uses black and yellow markings known from the industrial sector to indicate possible dangers, utilizing the symbolism to draw attention to social grievances. De Ganay points out that we have entered an age of diffuse, potential and real dangers that are often very difficult for many to visualize. “Warning Stripes Chair” is a modular system that enables communication concerning social issues. Originally designed as a "4 Piece Chair" in 2015, de Ganay started a series of chairs with the idea of developing an object that could easily be produced on site. The wood can be constructed with four pieces without nails or glue, and can be cut on any local CNC machine, thus keeping the carbon footprint of production as low as possible. De Ganay also sees his responsibility as an artist in raising public awareness on the issues of sustainable development, social progress, the strengthening of human rights and democratic values. He developed numerous motifs for the "4 Piece Chair” to draw attention to various globally relevant topics. “[…] In addition, these sculptures are reminiscent of the role of the artist who, above and beyond his work, should support and defend those who have been deprived of their freedoms, anywhere and at any time.” “Warning Stripes Chairs” encourages active thinking and questioning, whereby the warning stripes, in addition to the warning function, are a design element that varies with every chair.
In his “Warning Stripes Chair” (2020) series, Sébastien de Ganay uses black and yellow markings known from the industrial sector to indicate possible dangers, utilizing the symbolism to draw attention to social grievances. De Ganay points out that we have entered an age of diffuse, potential and real dangers that are often very difficult for many to visualize. “Warning Stripes Chair” is a modular system that enables communication concerning social issues. Originally designed as a "4 Piece Chair" in 2015, de Ganay started a series of chairs with the idea of developing an object that could easily be produced on site. The wood can be constructed with four pieces without nails or glue, and can be cut on any local CNC machine, thus keeping the carbon footprint of production as low as possible. De Ganay also sees his responsibility as an artist in raising public awareness on the issues of sustainable development, social progress, the strengthening of human rights and democratic values. He developed numerous motifs for the "4 Piece Chair” to draw attention to various globally relevant topics. “[…] In addition, these sculptures are reminiscent of the role of the artist who, above and beyond his work, should support and defend those who have been deprived of their freedoms, anywhere and at any time.” “Warning Stripes Chairs” encourages active thinking and questioning, whereby the warning stripes, in addition to the warning function, are a design element that varies with every chair.