Niko Abramidis &NE
New World Meridian, 2021
Marble and neon
53 x 75 x 20 cm
20 7/8 x 29 1/2 x 7 7/8 inches
20 7/8 x 29 1/2 x 7 7/8 inches
Edition of 3 plus 1 artist's proof
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
Further images
New World Meridian (2021) ist eine dreiteilige Edition von Wandskulpturen aus Marmor in Form eines Globus, um den ein Planetenring aus blauem Neonlicht scheint. Die Kombination aus Stein und Neonröhre...
New World Meridian (2021) ist eine dreiteilige Edition von Wandskulpturen aus Marmor in Form eines Globus, um den ein Planetenring aus blauem Neonlicht scheint. Die Kombination aus Stein und Neonröhre bezeichnet der Künstler Niko Abramidis &NE als Verbindung von Old-World-Material mit New-World-Material und verweist dadurch auf unsere heutige globalisierte Welt, die aus jahrtausendealter Menschheitsgeschichte erwachsen ist. Beide Materialien sind Ausdruck von Repräsentanz – der robuste Marmor aus dem schon in der Renaissance bedeutende skulpturale Werke geschaffen wurden und Neonlicht, das für Leuchtreklame genutzt wird – finden hier zusammen und bilden ein Logo der heutigen vernetzten Welt. Die Arbeiten von Niko Abramidis &NE können immer auf die Unternehmungen großer Konzerne übertragen und als humoristischer Kommentar gedeutet werden. Im Sinne von „think global, act local“ suchte der Künstler selbst den Steinbruch auf und ließ das Neonstück exakt handblasen, und erschuf somit ein Corporate Logo in traditioneller künstlerischer Herangehensweise.
New World Meridian (2021) is a three-part edition of marble wall sculptures in the form of a globe around which a planetary ring of blue neon light glows. The combination of stone and neon tube is what artist Niko Abramidis &NE calls a connection of old-world material with new-world material, thereby referring to our current globalized world that has grown out of thousand-year-old human history. Both materials are expressions of representation – the robust marble from which important sculptural works were already created in the Renaissance and neon light, which is used for illuminated advertising – come together in this work and form a logo of today's networked world. The works of Niko Abramidis &NE can always be transferred to the ventures of large corporations and interpreted as a humorous commentary. In the spirit of "think global, act local", the artist himself visited the quarry and had the neon piece precisely hand-blown, thus creating a corporate logo in a traditional artistic approach.
New World Meridian (2021) is a three-part edition of marble wall sculptures in the form of a globe around which a planetary ring of blue neon light glows. The combination of stone and neon tube is what artist Niko Abramidis &NE calls a connection of old-world material with new-world material, thereby referring to our current globalized world that has grown out of thousand-year-old human history. Both materials are expressions of representation – the robust marble from which important sculptural works were already created in the Renaissance and neon light, which is used for illuminated advertising – come together in this work and form a logo of today's networked world. The works of Niko Abramidis &NE can always be transferred to the ventures of large corporations and interpreted as a humorous commentary. In the spirit of "think global, act local", the artist himself visited the quarry and had the neon piece precisely hand-blown, thus creating a corporate logo in a traditional artistic approach.