Rindon Johnson
May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together, 2021
Virtual reality film
Edition of 3 plus 1 AP
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
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'May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together' (2021) ist ein animierter Virtual-Reality-Film und Teil der 2019 begonnenen 'Nere Gar' Serie des Künstlers. Dies ist eine...
"May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together" (2021) ist ein animierter Virtual-Reality-Film und Teil der 2019 begonnenen "Nere Gar" Serie des Künstlers. Dies ist eine Serie von spekulativen Fiktionen, in denen sich ein neues Verständnis der Empfindungsfähigkeit von Pflanzen und Tieren entwickelt. Zu den wissenschaftlichen Durchbrüchen innerhalb dieser filmischen Erzählungen des Künstlers gehört eine durch Biotechnik neu geschaffene Spezies von gliederlosen Meereswesen, genannt „Bists“. Diese schwimmen friedlich unter Wasser und zersetzen das Mikroplastik, welches den Planeten überschwemmt. "May the moon […]" zeigt eine Versammlung dieser aquatischen Wesen und ihre behutsamen Berührungen untereinander, während Sonnenstrahlen durch die Wasseroberfläche scheinen und man das Wellenrauschen der Gezeiten vernehmen kann. Johnson verweist in Verhalten und Aussehen der „Bists“ auf hochintelligente Oktopoden und deren Begegnungen im Meer und geht der Frage nach, wie Wesen miteinander umgehen, wie Intimität und Vertrauen entstehen. "May the moon […]" zeigt Szenen des Begehrens und der Empathie, um unsere Beziehungen zu anderen nicht-menschlichen Wesen neu zu denken und um Gedanken einer transhumanen Evolution zu wecken. Begleitet wird das Video von einem ruhigen Soundtrack komponiert von Anthony Green und Elizabeth Baker.
"May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together" (2021) is an animated virtual reality film and part of the artist's "Nere Gar" series, which began in 2019. This is a series of speculative fictions that develop a new understanding of the sentience of plants and animals. Among the scientific breakthroughs within the artist's cinematic narratives is a novel species of limbless marine beings created by biotechnology, called "Bists". These beings swim peacefully underwater and decompose the microplastics flooding the planet. "May the moon [...]" shows a gathering of these aquatic beings and their gentle touches amonst each other, while the sun's rays shine through the surface of the water and one can hear the sound of the waves of the tides in the background. Johnson references highly intelligent octopods and their encounters in the sea in the behavior and appearance of the "Bists", also investigating the question of how beings deal with each other, how intimacy and trust arise. "May the moon [...]" shows scenes of desire and empathy, asking us to rethink our relationships with other non-human beings and to awaken thoughts of trans-human evolution.
"May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together" (2021) is an animated virtual reality film and part of the artist's "Nere Gar" series, which began in 2019. This is a series of speculative fictions that develop a new understanding of the sentience of plants and animals. Among the scientific breakthroughs within the artist's cinematic narratives is a novel species of limbless marine beings created by biotechnology, called "Bists". These beings swim peacefully underwater and decompose the microplastics flooding the planet. "May the moon [...]" shows a gathering of these aquatic beings and their gentle touches amonst each other, while the sun's rays shine through the surface of the water and one can hear the sound of the waves of the tides in the background. Johnson references highly intelligent octopods and their encounters in the sea in the behavior and appearance of the "Bists", also investigating the question of how beings deal with each other, how intimacy and trust arise. "May the moon [...]" shows scenes of desire and empathy, asking us to rethink our relationships with other non-human beings and to awaken thoughts of trans-human evolution.