Sébastien de Ganay
CERAMIC 105, 2020
37 x 30 cm
14 5/8 x 11 3/4 inches
14 5/8 x 11 3/4 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
„CERAMIC 68“ (2020), „CERAMIC 70“ (2020) und „CERAMIC 105“ (2020) sind Werke, die sich einer eindeutigen Kategorisierung entziehen. Bewusst siedelt Sébastien de Ganay seine Werke zwischen Kunst und Design, zwischen...
„CERAMIC 68“ (2020), „CERAMIC 70“ (2020) und „CERAMIC 105“ (2020) sind Werke, die sich einer eindeutigen Kategorisierung entziehen. Bewusst siedelt Sébastien de Ganay seine Werke zwischen Kunst und Design, zwischen Skulptur und Objekt an, um Wahrnehmungsprozesse und Kategorisierungen zu hinterfragen. Als Vertreter der experimentellen Malerei und Skulptur kombiniert de Ganay in dieser Werkserie abstrakte, gegenständliche und funktionale Elemente zu Objekten mit malerischer Ästhetik. Er formt je „CERAMIC“ zwei Zylinder zwischen welchen er als verbindendes Element eine runde Platte setzt, wobei sich die Glasur des unteren Zylinders jeweils farblich von den oberen zwei Teilen unterscheidet. Der Künstler experimentiert oft mit geometrischen Grundstrukturen, die er mit Einflüssen aus der Welt der Alltagsobjekte kombiniert. So erinnern die Keramiken an Vasen oder Lampenständer und schaffen ein Gefühl abstrakter Vertrautheit, die die Betrachter/innen spielerisch zu mentaler Beteiligung herausfordern.
“CERAMIC 68” (2020), “CERAMIC 70” (2020) and “CERAMIC 105” (2020) are works that defy clear categorization. Sébastien de Ganay consciously places his works between art and design, between sculpture and object, in order to question processes of perception and categorizations. As a representative of experimental painting and sculpture, de Ganay combines abstract, representational and functional elements into objects with a painterly aesthetic in this series of works. He forms two cylinders for each “CERAMIC”, between which he places a round plate as a connecting element, whereby the glaze of the lower cylinder differs in color from the upper two parts. The artist often experiments with basic geometric structures, which he combines with influences from the world of everyday objects. The ceramics are reminiscent of vases or lamp stands and create a feeling of abstract familiarity that playfully challenges the viewer to participate in the mental game.
“CERAMIC 68” (2020), “CERAMIC 70” (2020) and “CERAMIC 105” (2020) are works that defy clear categorization. Sébastien de Ganay consciously places his works between art and design, between sculpture and object, in order to question processes of perception and categorizations. As a representative of experimental painting and sculpture, de Ganay combines abstract, representational and functional elements into objects with a painterly aesthetic in this series of works. He forms two cylinders for each “CERAMIC”, between which he places a round plate as a connecting element, whereby the glaze of the lower cylinder differs in color from the upper two parts. The artist often experiments with basic geometric structures, which he combines with influences from the world of everyday objects. The ceramics are reminiscent of vases or lamp stands and create a feeling of abstract familiarity that playfully challenges the viewer to participate in the mental game.