Neïl Beloufa
Small flowers C, 2021
Resin, cardboard and light
125 x 104 cm
49 1/4 x 41 inches
49 1/4 x 41 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Dirk Tacke
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Neïl Beloufas beleuchtete Wandskulptur Small flowers C (2021) ist Teil einer Serie visueller und konzeptioneller Werke, in denen der Künstler in popkultureller Ästhetik den Umgang mit Gebrauchsgegenständen unserer konsumorientierten Gesellschaft...
Neïl Beloufas beleuchtete Wandskulptur Small flowers C (2021) ist Teil einer Serie visueller und konzeptioneller Werke, in denen der Künstler in popkultureller Ästhetik den Umgang mit Gebrauchsgegenständen unserer konsumorientierten Gesellschaft behandelt. Eine Vielzahl von Lebensmittelkartons aus den Abfällen aus Beloufas Atelier sind durch schillernde Seerosen aus Kunstharz verdeckt, deren Farbigkeit den Eindruck einer fröhlichen Wasserlandschaft erwecken und dessen Grund erst bei näherer Betrachtung sichtbar wird. Die übereinandergelagerten Bildelemente, sind zufällig aus dem Internet gewählte Zeichnungen von Blumen, die Beloufa bunt und ungeordnet collagiert und durch die Verpackungsdesigns aus unserer alltäglichen Konsumwelt blitzen. Beloufa nutzt in seinen Arbeiten immer wieder die Form des Kaschierens, um auf poetische Weise Fiktion und Realität verschmelzen zu lassen und Fragen nach Ursache und Wirkung, Existenz und Abwesenheit sowie deren Interpretation anzustoßen. Small flowers C erinnert außerdem an Leuchtreklamen im öffentlichen Raum und hinterfragt so moderne Systeme von Repräsentation in Werbung, wie auch Kunst.
Neïl Beloufa's illuminated wall sculpture Small flowers C (2021) is part of a series of conceptual works in which the artist deals with everyday objects from our consumer society with a pop-cultural aesthetic. A large number of food boxes from Beloufa's studio waste are covered by iridescent synthetic resin water lilies. The superimposed picture elements are drawings of flowers chosen randomly from the Internet, which Beloufa collages in colorful and disordered ways. Their bright colors give the impression of a beautiful water landscape, while the bottom only becomes visible upon closer inspection. The packaging designs from our everyday consumer world appear through the flower surface. Beloufa repeatedly uses this collage technique to allow fiction and reality to merge in a poetic way and to raise questions about cause and effect, existence and absence and their interpretation. Small flowers C is also reminiscent of neon signs in public spaces and questions modern systems of representation in advertising.
Neïl Beloufa's illuminated wall sculpture Small flowers C (2021) is part of a series of conceptual works in which the artist deals with everyday objects from our consumer society with a pop-cultural aesthetic. A large number of food boxes from Beloufa's studio waste are covered by iridescent synthetic resin water lilies. The superimposed picture elements are drawings of flowers chosen randomly from the Internet, which Beloufa collages in colorful and disordered ways. Their bright colors give the impression of a beautiful water landscape, while the bottom only becomes visible upon closer inspection. The packaging designs from our everyday consumer world appear through the flower surface. Beloufa repeatedly uses this collage technique to allow fiction and reality to merge in a poetic way and to raise questions about cause and effect, existence and absence and their interpretation. Small flowers C is also reminiscent of neon signs in public spaces and questions modern systems of representation in advertising.