Niko Abramidis &NE
Aluminum (visualization)
Dimensions variable
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Alexander Rehn Designstudio
english version below – Der Schriftzug VISION EQUITY (2021) aus Aluminium visualisiert die Vision von Niko Abramidis &NE als Künstler und Unternehmer. In Größe und Schrift skalierbar sowie je nach...
english version below – Der Schriftzug VISION EQUITY (2021) aus Aluminium visualisiert die Vision von Niko Abramidis &NE als Künstler und Unternehmer. In Größe und Schrift skalierbar sowie je nach Ort anpassbar, kann er sich als wegweisendes Element in seine Umgebung einfügen. In der virtuellen Ausstellung Vision HQ prangt der Schriftzug logogleich, als virtuelles Kunstwerkt, über dem Eingang des tempelartigen postmodernen Gebäudes und gibt den Kosmos vor, in dem die Werke des Künstlers zusammenkommen. Geprägt von kapitalistischen Versprechen des besseren Lebens wird der Ausdruck „Vision Equity“ gerne zur Firmenbeschreibung von Unternehmen im Bereich des Risikokapitals oder in der Immobilienbranche angewendet. Niko Abramidis &NE untersucht Mechanismen der Finanzökonomie, indem er sich unternehmerische Ästhetiken aneignet und Fragen nach den grundlegenden Prozessen stellt, adaptiert und in seine eigene künstlerische Arbeitsweise transferiert. In der ironischen und übersteigerten Aneignung von Corporate Identity und globalen Ausdrucksformen der Finanzökonomie wird die Grenze zwischen Realität und Fiktion nahezu aufgehoben. So wie sich Großkonzerne eigene Abteilungen für Corporate Anthropology leisten, um die Gegenwart und zukünftige Trends zu beobachten, werden wir nun Zeuge von einem neuen Unternehmenszweig, der Corporate Culture von Niko Abramidis &NE.
The lettering VISION EQUITY (2021) on aluminum plate visualizes Niko Abramidis &NE’s vision as an artist and entrepreneur. Scalable in size and font, as well as adaptable to location, it can be integrated into its surroundings as a leading element. In the virtual exhibition Vision HQ, the lettering is emblazoned like a logo, a virtual work of art. It is positioned above the entrance of the temple-like postmodern building and defines the cosmos in which the artist's works come together. Shaped by capitalist promises of a better life, the expression "vision equity" is often used to describe companies in the venture capital or real estate sector. Niko Abramidis &NE examines mechanisms of financial economics by appropriating entrepreneurial aesthetics and asking questions about the basic processes, adapting them and transferring them into his own artistic way of working. In the ironic and exaggerated appropriation of corporate identity and global forms of expression in financial economics, the boundary between reality and fiction is nearly abolished. Just as large corporations can afford their own departments for corporate anthropology to observe the present and future trends, we are now witnessing a new branch of the company, the corporate culture of Niko Abramidis &NE.
The lettering VISION EQUITY (2021) on aluminum plate visualizes Niko Abramidis &NE’s vision as an artist and entrepreneur. Scalable in size and font, as well as adaptable to location, it can be integrated into its surroundings as a leading element. In the virtual exhibition Vision HQ, the lettering is emblazoned like a logo, a virtual work of art. It is positioned above the entrance of the temple-like postmodern building and defines the cosmos in which the artist's works come together. Shaped by capitalist promises of a better life, the expression "vision equity" is often used to describe companies in the venture capital or real estate sector. Niko Abramidis &NE examines mechanisms of financial economics by appropriating entrepreneurial aesthetics and asking questions about the basic processes, adapting them and transferring them into his own artistic way of working. In the ironic and exaggerated appropriation of corporate identity and global forms of expression in financial economics, the boundary between reality and fiction is nearly abolished. Just as large corporations can afford their own departments for corporate anthropology to observe the present and future trends, we are now witnessing a new branch of the company, the corporate culture of Niko Abramidis &NE.