Niko Abramidis &NE
Cryptic Shrine (old economy failed acceleration), 2024
Engine hood by MT carbon, spray paint, wood, LEDs, paper, steel and site-specific wall drawing
140 x 125 x 30 cm
55 1/8 x 49 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches
55 1/8 x 49 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Marjorie Brunet Plaza
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In „Cryptic Shrine (old economy failed acceleration)“ von Niko Abramidis & NE scheinen sich Materialien und Technologien verschiedener Zeiten zu begegnen und eine Archäologie der Zukunft zu bilden. Eine ehemalige...
In „Cryptic Shrine (old economy failed acceleration)“ von Niko Abramidis & NE scheinen sich Materialien und Technologien verschiedener Zeiten zu begegnen und eine Archäologie der Zukunft zu bilden. Eine ehemalige Motorhaube aus Carbon dient hier als Bildgrund, den der Künstler mit Sprayfarbe und einer kleinen Abbildung einer Industrieanlage collagiert. Dabei behandelt er das leichte High-Tech Material, das der optimierten Beschleunigung dienen sollte, als zivilisatorisches Relikt, indem sich die Haube wie ein Schrein öffnen lässt. Dahinter verbirgt sich eine Wandzeichnung, in der die Säulen, auf denen die Moderne aufbaute von Pflanzen überwuchert werden. Der Künstler stellt damit Fragen über industrielle Optimierungsprozesse angesichts einer offenen Zukunft der Märkte. Die Arbeit stellt eine Reflektion über das Versprechen dar, dass Technologie und Fortschritt alle menschlichen Probleme lösen werden.
In “Cryptic Shrine (old economy failed acceleration)” by Niko Abramidis & NE, materials and technologies from different times seem to meet and form an archaeology of the future. A former bonnet serves as the background for the picture, which the artist collages with spray paint and a small image of an industrial plant. He treats the lightweight high-tech material, which was intended to optimize acceleration, as a relic of civilization in that the bonnet can be opened like a shrine. Behind it is a wall drawing in which the pillars on which modernity was built are overgrown with plants. The artist thus poses questions about industrial optimization processes in the face of an open market future. The work is a reflection on the promise that technology and progress will solve all human problems.
In “Cryptic Shrine (old economy failed acceleration)” by Niko Abramidis & NE, materials and technologies from different times seem to meet and form an archaeology of the future. A former bonnet serves as the background for the picture, which the artist collages with spray paint and a small image of an industrial plant. He treats the lightweight high-tech material, which was intended to optimize acceleration, as a relic of civilization in that the bonnet can be opened like a shrine. Behind it is a wall drawing in which the pillars on which modernity was built are overgrown with plants. The artist thus poses questions about industrial optimization processes in the face of an open market future. The work is a reflection on the promise that technology and progress will solve all human problems.