Niko Abramidis &NE
RSRCH PNL 1, 2023
Wood, spray paint, metal clip and paper
130 x 100 cm
51 1/8 x 39 3/8 inches
51 1/8 x 39 3/8 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Marjorie Brunet Plaza
Weitere Abbildungen
In der Werkserie der 'RSRCH PNL“ kombiniert Niko Abramidis &NE Elemente aus dem Kosmos seiner fiktiven Finanzwelten und schafft dadurch neue narrative Bilder, Kreisläufe und Strategiepläne. Scheinbar wie Pinnwände oder...
In der Werkserie der "RSRCH PNL“ kombiniert Niko Abramidis &NE Elemente aus dem Kosmos seiner fiktiven Finanzwelten und schafft dadurch neue narrative Bilder, Kreisläufe und Strategiepläne. Scheinbar wie Pinnwände oder Magnettafeln aus silbern gespraytem Holz mit angehefteten Zeichnungen macht Abramidis &NE seine „Research" vergleichbar einer mind map sichtbar, in der unterschiedliche Zeiten aufeinander treffen, die (noch) nicht eindeutig dechiffrierbar sind – somit verzerrt der Künstler nachvollziehbare Zeithorizonte und verweist damit auf die Komplexität unsere Gegenwart.
In the “RSRCH PNL” series of works, Niko Abramidis &NE combines elements from the cosmos of his fictional financial worlds to create new narrative images, cycles and strategic plans. Seemingly like pinboards or magnetic boards made of silver-sprayed wood with attached drawings, Abramidis &NE makes his research visible in a way comparable to a mind map, in which different times come together that cannot (yet) be clearly deciphered - the artist thus distorts comprehensible time horizons and refers to the complexity of our present.
In the “RSRCH PNL” series of works, Niko Abramidis &NE combines elements from the cosmos of his fictional financial worlds to create new narrative images, cycles and strategic plans. Seemingly like pinboards or magnetic boards made of silver-sprayed wood with attached drawings, Abramidis &NE makes his research visible in a way comparable to a mind map, in which different times come together that cannot (yet) be clearly deciphered - the artist thus distorts comprehensible time horizons and refers to the complexity of our present.