Haroon Mirza
Light Work II remix, 2025
LED strip, wire and fixings
Dimensions variable
Copyright The Artist
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„Light Work xliii“ (2022) ist eine Wandarbeit aus der gleichnamigen Werkserie von Lichtzeichnungen aus rot, blau und grün leuchtenden LED’s, deren elektromagnetische Wellen sich zu einem weißen Licht im Raum...
„Light Work xliii“ (2022) ist eine Wandarbeit aus der gleichnamigen Werkserie von Lichtzeichnungen aus rot, blau und grün leuchtenden LED’s, deren elektromagnetische Wellen sich zu einem weißen Licht im Raum verbinden. Die jeweiligen Längen der LED Streifen sind durch ihre Strahlkraft bzw. die Intensität der RGB-Farben zueinander definiert und in Proportion gesetzt. Unter Verwendung reduzierter, geometrischer Formen, die durch die Verbindungen der einzelnen LED-Streifen mit Kabeln und Kupferband entstehen, untersucht Mirza die Präsenz von Licht und dessen Interaktion mit der Struktur des Raumes. Der Künstler reduziert die Linienzeichnung auf Elektrizität und den RGB-Farbraum und bezieht sich dabei auf Werke der Minimal Art aus den 1960er Jahren, wie die Lichtarbeiten Dan Flavins oder Fred Sandbacks geometrische Raumskulpturen aus Schnüren. Mirza nutzt in „Light Work xliii“ Elektrizität in Form von Licht, um Verbindungen des menschlichen Daseins zu thematisieren: „I use electricity as a medium (which can be rationalised as waves), which in simple terms is reality – or more particularly, our conscious relationship to existence.“
"Light Work xliii" (2022) is a wall piece from the series of minimalist light drawings made of red, blue and green glowing LEDs. Their electromagnetic waves combine to form a white light within the space. The respective lengths of the LED strips are defined and proportioned to each other depending on radiance or RGB color intensity. Using reduced, geometric shapes by connecting the individual LED strips with cables and copper tape, Mirza investigates the presence of light and its interaction with spatial structures. The artist reduces line drawing to electricity and the RGB color space, referring to the works of Minimal Art from the 1960s, such as Dan Flavin's light works or Fred Sandback's geometric spatial sculptures of cords. In "Light Work xliii", Mirza uses electricity in the form of light to address the connections of human existence: "I use electricity as a medium (which can be rationalized as waves), which in simple terms is reality – or more particularly, our conscious relationship to existence."
"Light Work xliii" (2022) is a wall piece from the series of minimalist light drawings made of red, blue and green glowing LEDs. Their electromagnetic waves combine to form a white light within the space. The respective lengths of the LED strips are defined and proportioned to each other depending on radiance or RGB color intensity. Using reduced, geometric shapes by connecting the individual LED strips with cables and copper tape, Mirza investigates the presence of light and its interaction with spatial structures. The artist reduces line drawing to electricity and the RGB color space, referring to the works of Minimal Art from the 1960s, such as Dan Flavin's light works or Fred Sandback's geometric spatial sculptures of cords. In "Light Work xliii", Mirza uses electricity in the form of light to address the connections of human existence: "I use electricity as a medium (which can be rationalized as waves), which in simple terms is reality – or more particularly, our conscious relationship to existence."