Haroon Mirza
Alchemic means to an End (Solar Cell Circuit Composition 28), 2023
Photovoltaic cells, wire, magnet wire, copper tape, polyurethane resin, echinopsis peruviana, PCB, operational amplifier, atropa belladonna, LEDs and silicone on glass
62 x 62 cm
24 3/8 x 24 3/8 inches
24 3/8 x 24 3/8 inches
Copyright The Artist
Photo: Lison Gallery | Dirk Tacke
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Haroon Mirzas 'Solar Cell Circuit Compositions' setzen sich aus Solarzellen und Kupferbändern zu einem geometrischen Mandala zusammen, die einen Stromkreis bilden und in dessen Mitte je nach Lichteinfall LED’s aufleuchten....
Haroon Mirzas "Solar Cell Circuit Compositions" setzen sich aus Solarzellen und Kupferbändern zu einem geometrischen Mandala zusammen, die einen Stromkreis bilden und in dessen Mitte je nach Lichteinfall LED’s aufleuchten. Bei "Alchemic means to an End (Solar Cell Circuit Composition 28)" gießt Mirza zudem Teile von psychoaktiven Pflanzen, wie des Kaktus’ Echinopsis Peruviana und der Tollkirsche Atropa Belladonna, sowie einen Operationsverstärker zur Regelung von elektronischer Spannung, in Polyurethanharz. Damit bearbeitet er zudem die gläserne Oberfläche und verleiht dem Werk eine fluide Komponente. Mirza verbindet in dieser Werkserie die Form des Mandalas als Meditationsobjekt mit technoiden Elementen und schafft durch die Verfremdung eine zeitgenössische Transformation, die an mythenumwobene Phänomene und schamanistische Rituale anknüpft und Bezüge zwischen Technologie, Natur und Bewusstsein zusammenbringt. Die Form des achtzackigen Sterns ergibt sich durch die Komposition und Kombination der Solarzellen – der Stern hat als religiöses Zeichen eine kulturelle Präsenz vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart in den unterschiedlichsten Kontexten und symbolisiert häufig Transzendenz.
Haroon Mirza's "Solar Cell Circuit Compositions" are composed of solar cells and copper strips to form a geometric mandala, which generate an electric circuit and in the middle of which LEDs light up depending on the incidence of light. In "Alchemic means to an End (Solar Cell Circuit Composition 28)", Mirza also casts parts of psychoactive plants, such as the cactus Echinopsis Peruviana and the belladonna Atropa Belladonna, as well as an operational amplifier for regulating electronic voltage, in polyurethane resin. He also uses this to treat the glass surface and add a fluid component to the work. In this series, Mirza combines the form of the mandala as a meditation object with technoid elements and, through alienation, creates a contemporary transformation that ties in with mythical phenomena and shamanistic rituals and brings together references between technology, nature and consciousness. The shape of the eight-pointed star results from the composition and combination of the solar cells - as a religious symbol, the star has a cultural presence from antiquity to the present day in a wide variety of contexts and often symbolizes transcendence.
Haroon Mirza's "Solar Cell Circuit Compositions" are composed of solar cells and copper strips to form a geometric mandala, which generate an electric circuit and in the middle of which LEDs light up depending on the incidence of light. In "Alchemic means to an End (Solar Cell Circuit Composition 28)", Mirza also casts parts of psychoactive plants, such as the cactus Echinopsis Peruviana and the belladonna Atropa Belladonna, as well as an operational amplifier for regulating electronic voltage, in polyurethane resin. He also uses this to treat the glass surface and add a fluid component to the work. In this series, Mirza combines the form of the mandala as a meditation object with technoid elements and, through alienation, creates a contemporary transformation that ties in with mythical phenomena and shamanistic rituals and brings together references between technology, nature and consciousness. The shape of the eight-pointed star results from the composition and combination of the solar cells - as a religious symbol, the star has a cultural presence from antiquity to the present day in a wide variety of contexts and often symbolizes transcendence.