David Reed
#735, 2020
acrylic on canvas
193 x 27.9 cm
76 x 11 inches
76 x 11 inches
Copyright the artist | Courtesy of Häusler Contemporary
Photo: Peter Baracchi
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Die Werke des US-amerikanischen abstrakten Malers David Reed (*1946 in San Diego, CA, US) sind geprägt von gewaltigen gestischen Bewegungen, die sich wie Schlaufen oder Bänder über das Bildformat bewegen...
Die Werke des US-amerikanischen abstrakten Malers David Reed (*1946 in San Diego, CA, US) sind geprägt von gewaltigen gestischen Bewegungen, die sich wie Schlaufen oder Bänder über das Bildformat bewegen und durch scheinbar zufällig angeordnete Farbfelder durchbrochen werden. Beeinflusst durch den abstrakten Expressionismus auf der einen und den Werken des Minimalismus und Postminimalismus auf der anderen Seite, entwickelte Reed ab 1971 seine ganz eigene Bildsprache, bei der traditionelle Maltechniken mit der Verwendung von lasergeschnittenen Schablonen kombiniert werden, die mittels digitaler Bildbearbeitung hergestellt werden. Wie übereinander gelagerte Folien werden die verschiedenen Farbschichten seiner Werke nach und nach übereinander gelegt und jeweils im trockenen Zustand glatt geschliffen. Dadurch sind die Schaffensphasen seiner Werke oft an einen langen und komplexen technischen Prozess gekoppelt, der sich meist über mehrere Jahre zieht und von Reed parallel dazu in Form von Skizzen dokumentiert wird.
The works of the American abstract painter David Reed (*1946 in San Diego, CA, US) are characterized by powerful gestural movements that move across the format like loops or ribbons and are broken up by seemingly randomly arranged color fields. Influenced by Abstract Expressionism on the one hand and the works of Minimalism and Postminimalism on the other, Reed developed his very own pictorial language from 1971 onwards, in which traditional painting techniques are combined with the use of laser-cut stencils produced by means of digital image processing. The various layers of paint in his works are gradually layered on top of each other like foils and polished smooth when dry. As a result, the creative phases of his paintings are often linked to a long and complex technical process, which usually takes several years and is documented by Reed simultaneously in the form of sketches.
The works of the American abstract painter David Reed (*1946 in San Diego, CA, US) are characterized by powerful gestural movements that move across the format like loops or ribbons and are broken up by seemingly randomly arranged color fields. Influenced by Abstract Expressionism on the one hand and the works of Minimalism and Postminimalism on the other, Reed developed his very own pictorial language from 1971 onwards, in which traditional painting techniques are combined with the use of laser-cut stencils produced by means of digital image processing. The various layers of paint in his works are gradually layered on top of each other like foils and polished smooth when dry. As a result, the creative phases of his paintings are often linked to a long and complex technical process, which usually takes several years and is documented by Reed simultaneously in the form of sketches.